Prof. ezzinbi khalil
Mathematics Department (Resident Faculty)
Functional Analysis
Differential Equations
Dynamical Systems
Evolution Equations
Partial Differential Equations
ezzinbi khalil
B.Sc. Mathematics, Bayero University, Kano
M.Sc. Mathematics, African University of Science and Technology, Abuja, Nigeria.
Ph.D. Pure and Applied Mathematics, African University of Science and Technology, Abuja, Nigeria.
Mobile(Optional): +212771046472
Courses (Being taught at AUST):
Linear Algebra
Metric spaces and Differential Calculus
Differential Equations
Sobolev Spaces and Partial Differential Equations
Evolution Equations
Since 2016
K. Ezzinbi and M.A. Taoudi, Periodic solutions and attractiveness for some partial functional di¤erential equations with lack of compactness, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, (to appear 2021).
B. Es-sebbar , K. Ezzinbi and K. Khalil, Compact almost automorphic solutions for semilinear parabolic evolution equations, Applcable Analysis, (to appear 2020).
K. Ezzinbi, S. Ghnimi and M.A. Taoudi, New Monch-Krasnosel’skii type fixed point theorems applied to solve neutral partial integrodi¤erential equations without compactness. J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 22 (2020), no. 3, Paper No. 73, 21 pp.
K. Ezzinbi and M.A. Taoudi, A new existence theory for periodic solutions to evolution equations. Applicable Analysis, 99 (2020), no. 11, 1939–1952.
M. A. Dio, K. Ezzinbi, I. Louk-Man and R. Kasinathan, Stability for some impulsive neutral stochastic functional integro-di¤erential equations driven by fractional Brownian motion. Cogent Math. Stat. 7 (2020), no. 1, Art. ID 1782120, 24 pp.
B., F. Mbounja, B. David; K.Ezzinbi, S.Fatajou and D. E. Houpa, Convolutions in -pseudo almost periodic and -pseudo almost automorphic function spaces and applications to solve integral equations, Nonautonous. Dynamical Systems, 7 (2020), no. 1, 32–52.
K. Ezzinbi and S. Ghnimi, Existence and regularity for some partial neutral functional integrodi¤erential equations with nondense domain. Bull. Malays. Math.Sci. Soc. 43 (2020), no. 4, 2967–2987.
H. Hammouche, M. Lemkeddem, K. Guerbati and K. Ezzinbi, Existence results for some impulsive partial functional fractional di¤erential equations. Asian-Eur. J. Math. 13 (2020), no. 4, 2050074, 23 pp.
K. Ezzinbi, A survey on new methods for partial functional di¤erential equations and applications. Afr. Mat. 31 (2020), no. 1, 89–113.
B. Es-sebbar, K. Ezzinbi, S. Fatajou and M. Ziat, Compact almost automorphic weak solutions for some monotone di¤erential inclusions: applications to parabolic and hyperbolic equations. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 486 (2020), no. 1, 123805, 18 pp.
B. Es-sebbar, K. Ezzinbi and G. N’Guérékata, Bohr-Neugebauer property for almost automorphic partial functional di¤erential equations, Applicable Analysis, 98, no. 1-2, 381–407, ( 2019).
K. Ezzinbi, S. Ghnimi and M.A.Taoudi, Existence results for some nonlocal partial integrodi¤erential equations without compactness or equicontinuity. J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 21, no. 2, Art. 53, 24 pp, (2019).3
K. Ezzinbi and R. S. Lalaoui, Delay independent stability for some partial functional di¤erential equations with in...nite delay under the light of positivity. SeMA J. 76, no. 2, 295–308, (2019).
M. Dieye, M. A. Diop and K.Ezzinbi, Almost sure asymptotic stability for some stochastic partial functional integrodi¤erential equations on Hilbert spaces. Cogent Math. Stat. 6 , no. 1,Art. ID 1602928, pp15, (2019).
M.A.Diop, K. Ezzinbi and L. Modou, Stability in the -norm for some stochastic partial functional integrodi¤erential equations. J. Korean Math. Soc. 56 , no. 1, 149–167, (2019).
F.K.Allognissode, M.A. Diop, K.Ezzinbi, and C.Ogouyandjou, Stochastic partial functional integrodi¤erential equations driven by a sub-fractional Brownian motion, existence and asymptotic behavior. Random Oper. Stoch. Equ. 27 , no. 2, 107–122, (2019).
K.Ezzinbi and S.Ghnimi, Existence and regularity of solutions for some partial integrodi¤erential equations involving the nonlocal conditions. Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 40 , no. 13, 1532–1549, (2019).
B., Mahmoud, K. Ezzinbi, K. Kamal and L. Maniar, Almost automorphic solutions for nonautonomous parabolic evolution equations. Semigroup Forum 99 , no. 3, 525–567, (2019).
M. Dieye, Diop, M. A.; Ezzinbi and H. Hmoyed, On the existence of mild solutions for nonlocal impulsive integrodifferential equations in Banach spaces. Matematiche (Catania) 74 , no. 1, 13–34, (2019).
Ndambomve, Patrice; Ezzinbi, Khalil On the approximate controllability of some semilinear partial functional integrodifferential equations with unbounded delay. Matematiche (Catania) 74 (2019), no. 2, 337–362.
Ezzinbi, Khalil; Ghnimi, Saifeddine Solvability of nondensely defined partial functional integrodi¤erential equations using the integrated resolvent operators. Electron. J. Qual. Theory Di¤er. Equ. 2019, Paper No. 88, 21 pp.
M. Dieye, M. A. Diop and K. Ezzinbi, Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Some Stochastic Integrodifferential Equations of Neutral Type on Hilbert Spaces. Appl. Math. Optim. 77, No. 2, 343–375 ,(2018).
R. Benkhalti, B. Es-sebbar and K. Ezzinbi, On a Bohr-Neugebauer property for some almost automorphic abstract delay equations, Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, 30, No. 3, 313–345, (2018).
M.A. Diallo, K. Ezzinbi and A. Sene, Optimal control problem for some integrodifferential equation in Banach spaces, Optimal Control, Applications and Methods, 39, No. 2, 563–574. (2018).4
B. Diao, K. Ezzinbi and M. Sy, Existence, Existence, global continuation and regularity in the -norm for some partial functional integrodi¤erential equations with infinite delay, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 26, no. 1-3, 37–55, (2018).
M. Baroun, K. Ezzinbi, K. Kamal and L. Maniar, Pseudo almost periodic solutions for some parabolic evolution equations with Stepanov-like pseudo almost periodic forcing terms. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 462, No. 1, 233–262,(2018).
M. A. Diop, K. Ezzinbi, M.Mbaye, Measure theory and square-mean pseudo almost periodic and automorphic process: application to stochastic evolution equations. Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 41, No. 1, 287–310 (2018).
M. El-Khalil Kpoumiè, K. Ezzinbi, Khalil and D. Békollé, Periodic solutions for some nondensely nonautonomous partial functional di¤erential equations in fading memory spaces, Di¤erential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Springer, 16, No.1-3, 177-197, (2018).
M.A. Diallo, K. Ezzinbi and A. Sene, Controllability for some integrodifferential evolution equations in Banach spaces. Discuss. Math. Di¤er. Incl. Control Optim. 37, No. 1, 69–81 (2017).
M. Dieye, M. A. Diop and K. Ezzinbi, Optimal feedback control law for some stochastic integrodifferential equations on Hilbert spaces. Eur. J. Control 37, 54–62, (2017).
B. Es-sebbar and K. Ezzinbi, Almost periodicity and almost automorphy for some evolution equations using Favard’s theory in uniformly convex Banach spaces, Semigroup Forum, 94, No. 2, 229–259 (2017).
E. Ait Dads, B. Es-sebbar, K. Ezzinbi and M. Ziat, Behavior of bounded solutions for some almost periodic neutral partial functional differential equations. Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 40, No. 7, 2377–2397 (2017).
A. N. Akdad, B. Essebbar and K. Ezzinbi, Composition Theorems of Stepanov -pseudo almost automorphic functions and applications to nonautonomous neutral evolution equations, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Springer, 25, No. 3, 397-416, (2017).
K. Ezzinbi, M. Miraoui and A. Rebey, -pseudo almost periodic solutions in the alpha-norm to some neutral partial di¤erential equations with infinite delay. Dyn. Contin.Discrete Impuls. Syst. Ser. B Appl. Algorithms 24, No. 1, 83–96 (2017).
M.A. Diallo, K. Ezzinbi and A. Sene, Impulsive integro-differential equations with nonlocal conditions in Banach spaces. Trans. A. Razmadze Math. Inst. 171, No.3, 304-315, (2017).5
S. Koumla, K. Ezzinbi and R. Bahloul, Mild solutions for some partial functional integrodi¤erential equations with infinite delay in Frechet spaces, SeMA Journal, Springer, 74, No. 4, 489-501, ( 2017).
N. Drisi, B. Es-sebbar and K. Ezzinbi„ Perron’s theorem for nondensely defined partial functional di¤erential equations. Electron. J. Qual. Theory Differ. Equ. Paper No. 81, 20 pp, (2017).
M. El-Khalil Kpoumiè, K. Ezzinbi, Khalil and D. Békollé, Nonautonomous partial functional di¤erential equations; existence and regularity. Nonauton. Dyn. Syst. 4, 108–127 (2017).
M. Dieye, M. A. Diop and K. Ezzinbi, On the exponential stability of mild solutions for some stochastic partial integrodi¤erential equations, Statistcs and Probability Letters, 123, 61-76, (2017).
M. A. Diop, K. Ezzinbi and M. M. Mbaye, Existence and global attractiveness of a square-mean -pseudo almost automorphic solution for some stochastic evolution equation driven by Lévy noise. Math. Nachr. 290, No. 8-9, 1260-1280, (2017).
E. Ait Dads, K. Ezzinbi, N. Drissi and M. Ziat, Exponential dichotomy and pseudo almost automorphic solutions for some ordinary differential equations, Communications in Optimization Theory, 1-15, (2016).
K. Ezzinbi and P. Ndambomve, Partial functional integrodi¤erential equations and optimal controls in Banach spaces, Communications in Opimization Theory, 1-18, (2016).
A. Elazzouzi and K. Ezzinbi, Dynamics of solutions and approximation for partial functional differential equations with delay, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, Birkhauser/Springer, 13, No. 6, 4091-4108, (2016).
K. Ezzinbi, M. Miraoui and A. Rebey, Measure pseudo almost periodic solutions in the alpha-norm to some neutral partial di¤erential equations with delay, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, Birkhauser/Springer, 13, No. 5, 3417- 3431, (2016).
K. Ezzinbi and P. Ndambomve, Solvability and optimal control of some partial functional integrodi¤erential equations with ...nite delay, Springer Plus, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1-18, ( 2016).
M. Dieye, M. A. Diop and K. Ezzinbi, Controllability for some integrodifferential equations driven by vector measures, Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences, Willey, 1-17, (2016).
K. Ezzinbi, S. Ghnimi and M. A. Taoudi, Existence results for some partial integrodifferential equations with nonlocal conditions, Glasnik Matematick, III, 51, (71), No. 2, 413-430, (2016).6
B. Essebbar and K. Ezzinbi, Stepanov ergodic perturbations for some neutral partial functional di¤erential equations, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Wiley,39, No. 8, 1945–1963, (2016).
K. Ezzinbi and P. Ndambomve, On the controllability of some partial functional integrodi¤erential equations with in...nite delay, Advanced Fixed Point Theory, 6, 24-42, (2016).
K. Ezzinbi and S. Koumla, An abstract partial functional integrodifferential equations, Advances in Fixed Point Theory, Vol. 6, No. 4, 469-485, ( 2016).
K. Ezzinbi, S. Koumla and A. Sene, Existence and regularity for some partial functional integrodi¤erential equations with in...nite delay, Journal of Semigroup Theory and Applications, , Article ID 6, ( 2016).
B. Diao, K. Ezzinbi and M. Sy, Existence, regularity and compactness properties in the alpha-norm for some partial functional integrodifferential equations with infinite delay, Di¤erential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Springer-Verlag, 24, No. 3, 247-266, (2016).
M. Ben Slah, K. Ezzinbi and A. Rebey, Pseudo-almost periodic and pseudo-almost automorphic solutions to evolution equations in Hilbert spaces, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, Birkhauser/Springer, 13, No. 2, 703-717, (2016).
M. A. Diop, K. Ezzinbi and M.M. Zene, Existence and stability of solutions for partial functional impulsive stochastic integrodifferential equations with in infinitedelay, SeMA Journal, Springer, 73, 17-30, (2016).
B. Diao, K. Ezzinbi and M. Sy, Existence results in the alpha-norm for neutral partial integrodi¤erential equations with in...nite delay, Afrika Matematika, Springer,27, No. 3-4, 457-468, (2016).
PROF. EZZINBI KHALIL Notable Achievement
COMSTECH Award in Mathematics 2019.
AMMSI Phillip- Gri¤ts prize 2018- Awards for Outstanding Research & Mentorship.
Awards for Outstanding Research & Mentorship, 9th PAN AFRICA CONGRESS OF MATHEMATICIANS (PACOM 2017), Rabat, Morocco.